
Gian Piero Salemi



October 2015- present
Senior partner ” DailyLab s.a.s”
Dailylab is a small veterinary clinical pathology laboratory: it works for veterinary clinics in urban and suburban area of Florence (Italy)
Specialty areas of DailyLab are:

  • Hematology (Siemens Advia 2120i; Siemens Hematek stainer)
  • Clinical Biochemistry and Urinary Biochemistry (Olympus AU 400)
  • Capillary Electrophoresis (Sebia minicap)
  • Hemostasis (Stago Sta Compact)
  • Endocrinology (Siemens Immulite 1000) – Microbiology (Biomerieux Vitek)
  • Sierology ELISA

June 2023- December 2024
External consultant in clinical pathology at
“Biogene laboratorio analisi cliniche veterinarie”
Via Giacomo Leopardi 50
95127 Catania (Sicily, Italy)

May 2012- July 2015
“Idexx Laboratories Italia”
Strada Provinciale 9, Granozzo con Monticello Novara, Italy
Hematology, Clinical Biochemistry, Endocrinology

October 2011-March 2012
Visitor at “Strathmore Veterinary Hospital” Andover , Hampshire (4 weeks)
Locum Veterinary Nurse at “Vets Now Hospital” Ilford, London (1 night)
Locum Veterinary Surgeon at “PetMedics Hospital” Worsley, Manchester (2 days)
Locum Veterinary Surgeon mainly in Emergency Services in several
Veterinary Hospitals in Tuscany (Italy)

October 2010- September 2011
Locum Veterinary Surgeon mainly in Emergency Services in several Veterinary Hospitals in Tuscany (Italy)

March 2008- September 2010
“San Marco Veterinary Hospital/Veterinary”
The above mentioned clinic is a well established multidisciplinary referral hospital and training centre for the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP). During this period I have worked full time in
the haematology section of the veterinary laboratory under the supervision of Dr. Marco Caldin and Dr. Tommaso Furlanello (both ECVCP Diplomates). I was also involved in the out of hour rota of the laboratory (Hematology, Biochemistry, Urinalysis, Flow Cytometry). I had the opportunity to gain in depth knowledge of pathophysiological based clinical chemistry, hematology, theory and practice of laboratory management, assay validation, laboratory instrumentations (ADVIA Bayer, Olympus AU400, STA Compact Roche, FlowCytometry Roche)
and relatives quality control; I also gained the applied spect of clinical chemistry and hematology, as they relate to the diagnosis and investigation of disease in animals.


March 1999
Abilitation in the Veterinary Profession

September 1998
Doctor In Veterinary Medicine Degree


2016- 2024
Trimestral webinar in human disorders of hemostasis (Stago group)

July 21, 2022
ISACP webinair “Disorders of iron metabolism”

March 31 – April 2, 2022
ALIVE Congress (Animal Leishmaniosis International Veterinary Event)
Malaga, Spain

September15-17 , 2021
European congress of veterinary clinical pathology society

October 16, 2011
“Citopathology in Current Clinical Dermathology” Dr F. Albanese, ECVD
student, Florence-Italy. 1 day

September 26, 2011
“Citology: Clinical Case” C. Masserdotti Dipl. ECVCP, Salò, Brescia-
Italy. 1 day

September 16-17, 2011
“Citology: Clinical Case” C. Masserdotti Dipl. ECVCP, Salò, Brescia-
2 days

Weekly Clinical Club (1 hour) with revision of current literature in Clinical Pathology, Veterinary and Comparative Pathology, Parassitology and Infectious Diseases (San Marco Hospital, Padua- Italy)

September 2008
“ECVP-ESVCP Congress”, Barcelona, Spain

Regular externships in Clinical Pathology and Internal Medicine (two weeks every two months) at “San Marco Veterinary Hospital” Padua, Italy, directly supervised by Dr Tommaso Furlanello (Dipl. ECVCP). This experience allowed me to deepen the understanding of the pathophysiology mechanisms and laboratory data interpretion. This allowed me to improve my clinical and therapeutical approach. The programme was based on: general clinical pathology (pathophisiology and laboratory management), clinical biochemistry, endocrinology, molecular diagnosis, hematology and citology. Problem orienteted approaches (POA) was applied as a standard procedure for every case (fortnightly work-flow of about 170 cases). Every single clinical case was discussed with my tutor and integrated with recent veterinary and human medicine literature.

March 2006
“Canine Leishmaniosis: diagnosis and therapeuthical approaches”
SCIVAC Montecatini-Italy. 3 days.

September 2005
“Hepatic Diseases in Small Animal Practice” AVULP-SCIVAC Perugia, ITALY. 3 days.

June 2004
“Bone Marrow Cytopathology” SCIVAC, Cremona-Italy. 3

July 2003
“Hill’s European Symposium on Cronich Renal Disease” Rhodes, Greece. 3 days

May 2003
ESAVS “Beginner Course Internal Medicine I” Utrecht The Nederlands. 2 weeks.

November 2002
“Clinical Oncology and therapeuthical treatments” AVULP-SCIVAC
Perugia, Italy. 3 days.

June 2002
“IV° MERIAL International Congress” Riccione (RN) Italy. 3 days

May 2002
Training in Veterinary Radiology at the Radiology Department , Liege (B) under the supervision of Prof. V. Busoni (Dipl. ECVDI). 1 week.

September 2000
“Emergency and Critical Care in Small Animal Practice” SCIVACWALTHAM, Naples, Italy, 3 days


June 2017- November 2021
Lecturer “Clinical pathology educational path” OVEC (Officina Veterinaria) Via Molinari, Misterbianco (CT)

Pathophysiology and diagnosis of platelets disorders in small animal medicine with clinical cases.

Pathophysiology and diagnosis of hemostatics disorders in small animal medicine with clinical cases.

Pathophysiology and diagnosis of kidney disorders in small animal medicine with clinical cases Pathophysiology and diagnosis of digestive and pancreatic disorders in small animal medicine with clinical cases

Infectious Disease:
Pathophysiology and diagnosis of infectious disease in small animal medicine with clinical cases

October 01 2017
“What to do? Cases in clinical veterinary hematology” OVEC (Officina Veterinaria)
Via Molinari, Misterbianco (CT)

October 21 2016
“A clinical approach to Hematology in small animal medicine”
Vethospital H24, Florence (Italy)

Internal Seminar at 24H Veterinary Hospital: “Blood Smears Examination and Haemogram: a Correct Approach in Small Clinical Practice”. Internal
Seminar in San Marco Veterinary Lab: “C-Protein and immune-mediated anaemia: an overwiew”.
Internal Seminar at 24H Veterinary Hospital: “Acid-Base disorders
Internal Seminar at 24H Veterinary Hospital: “ IMHA and Mycoplasma Haemofelis
Internal Seminar at 24H Veterinary Hospital “Electrophoresis in Clinical Small Animal Practice

October 1999
Italian Society of Veterinary Dermatology, Cremona, Italy “A Case of Facial Dermatitis Caused by Herpes Virus in Feline Medicine


1) “A case of Feline Facial Dermatitis caused by Herpes Virus” K .Bucci , GP Salemi, F.Abramo Quaderni di Dermatologia 2, 2000.
2) “ Study of the gastrointestinal and pancreatic activity in small animal practice”
GP Salemi, T. Furlanello. Therapeutic Formulary SCIVAC 5° Edizione 2009
3) “Evidence of Feline Tritrichomonas Foetus and Giardia Duodenalis infection in Italy”
M. Trotta M, Nicetto M., Pantaleo V, Piseddu E, Salemi GP, Capelli G, Furlanello T, Solano-Gallego L.XXVI National Congress SOIPA (Italian Society of Parasitology ), June 22- 25 2010
4) “What is your diagnosis? Hepatomegaly in a cat”
Carlo Masserdotti, Gian Piero Salemi, Elena Gigli, Valeria Baldassarre
04 February 2016
Journal of veterinary clinical pathology


Italian : Mother tongue
Spanish: Fluent
English: Intermediate


When at home I enjoy listening to several genres of music (only vinyl) and playing my baritone saxophone in spite of my neibourgh’s complaints.

The facts set forth in this curriculum vitae are to the best of my knowledge to be true and complete.